
Mountains and Capstones

22 May

Mountains and Capstones…

The Hebrew word for mountains is harim. In Zechariah 4:7, God talks to a mountain. He literally says in Hebrew, “Mi ata har hagadol?” This means, “Who are you, great mountain?”

He’s actually saying to the mountain, ‘Who do you think you are?’ The great mountain in Zechariah 4 was all the obstacles, distractions, setbacks, discouragements, and apparent impossibilities which were coming against Zerubbabel as he tried to follow God’s will.

We’re also called to talk to mountains with an attitude, or an edge. You too have obstacles, discouragements, bondages, or situations that seem hopeless. These are your mountains. Don’t just sit back and accept them.

You need to walk up to your mountain and start speaking to it with an attitude;”Just who do you think you are? How dare you try to stop God’s will in my life? How dare you try to stop the blessings and joy He has for me? You’re going to be history, leveled to the ground by the Spirit of God and I will have the victory!” That’s how to talk to mountains.

In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. Ephesians 3:12

Today, practice talking to mountains! Go up to that hindrance to God’s will – that obstacle, that evil, that darkness, that sin – and put it in its place!

Walk daily with God at your side!

Love always,

Ed 🙏🏼

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