
An Abundant Life

27 Jun

An Abundant Life…

Good morning,

Today, let’s unwrap the gift of abundant life that Jesus offers us.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
John 10:10

Ever feel like life is a constant battle against forces that seek to steal your joy and leave you feeling empty? We all face challenges – setbacks, disappointments, and fears that threaten to dim our spirits. But Jesus, our Good Shepherd, offers a different path.

In John 10:10, Jesus contrasts His purpose with that of the ‘thief,’ who represents everything that seeks to diminish us. While the thief whispers lies of scarcity, lack, and fear, Jesus promises a life that is full to overflowing.

This abundant life isn’t about material wealth or a trouble-free existence. It’s about approaching each day with meaning, facing difficulties with hope, and finding joy in both sunshine and rain. It’s a life where even the darkest valleys can be transformed by God’s love and grace.

Today, we have a choice: to settle for the thief’s empty promises or to embrace the abundant life Jesus offers. It’s a life rich in purpose, overflowing with love, joy, and peace – a life that spills over, touching everything around you.

Choose Jesus. Choose abundance. Experience the life He died to give you.

Dear Heavenly Father, sometimes, life feels like a constant battle, with so much trying to steal my joy. Help me to turn away from the thief’s lies and embrace the abundant life You offer. Fill my heart with Your love, peace, and joy, even when things get tough. Guide me with purpose, and let Your grace transform my challenges. Thank You for being my Good Shepherd, always leading me to a life full of hope and meaning. Today, I choose to follow You and experience the full life You died to give me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

God is not a celestial prison warden jangling the keys on a bunch of lifers—he’s a shepherd seeking sheep, a woman searching for coins, a father waiting for his son.

Walk daily with God at your side!

Love always,

Ed 🙏🏼

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