
Song Speak

27 Jun

Song Speak…

Zimmer is one of the biblical words for song. Ephesians 5:19 says, “Speak to one another in Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord.”

Think about that. How do you speak in songs? You have to learn to talk in ‘song speak’, to speak in such a beautiful way that it could be a song. When you speak, there’s no real melody, harmony, orchestra, accompaniment, or musical instrument. Yet, you’re to speak in a song.

To speak in song means your words make up for the fact that there’s no music and become themselves a song so beautiful it needs no accompaniment.

Ask yourself, if somebody took a transcript of your daily talk, could they write a godly song from it? Would it go to music? Talk of anger, fear, blame, pride, conceit, and emptiness doesn’t make godly music.

What kind of talk does? Talk of love, faith, peace, hope, praise, thanksgiving, encouragement, mercy, God, and Scripture. Stop merely speaking and start learning how to speak a new language today, the language of song speak.

Then my tongue shall tell of your righteousness and of your praise all the day long.  Psalm 35:28

Today, practice thinking and talking in “song speak.”

Walk daily with God at your side!

Love always,

Ed 🙏🏼

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