
A Gentle Whisper

26 Jun

A Gentle Whisper…

Good morning,

After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.
1 Kings 19:12

Ever feel like you’re in the middle of a storm, with the winds of worry howling and the ground shaking beneath your feet? Maybe you’ve prayed for a clear sign, for God to boom His guidance from the heavens. But sometimes, amidst the chaos, His voice comes in a gentler form.

Elijah, the prophet on the run, experienced this firsthand. After a mighty wind, a shaking earth, and a raging fire, God wasn’t found in the spectacle. Instead, He came in the quietest of whispers.

In our own lives, filled with notifications, schedules, and constant noise, we too can miss God’s still, small voice. We expect a shout, but He often speaks in the gentle rustling of leaves or the peaceful lull of our hearts.

So today, let’s intentionally quiet ourselves. Turn off the distractions, take a deep breath, and simply listen. God might be speaking words of love, guidance, or simply reassurance that He is there, right in the midst of the storm.

Don’t miss His voice because you’re expecting thunder and lightning. Sometimes, the most profound truths are found in the quietest whispers.

When was the last time you truly listened for God’s whisper?

How can you create quiet moments to hear God’s voice?

Dear Heavenly Father, In the storms of life, when worry and fear try to drown out Your voice, help me to remember Your faithfulness. Help me to remember that Your presence isn’t always found in the loud and spectacular, but often in the quiet whisper. Give me the courage to turn down the noise of this world, to quiet my heart, and to simply listen for Your gentle guidance. In the stillness, may I hear Your words of love, peace, and reassurance, knowing that You are with me always. Thank You for speaking to me in the quiet moments, just as You did with Elijah. In Jesus’ name, Amen,

Today, let’s turn down the volume on life’s noise and tune in to the whispers of God.

God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer.

Walk daily with God at your side!

Love always,

Ed 🙏🏼

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