
Under His Wings

24 Jun

Under His Wings…

Good morning,

Today, let’s explore the incredible protection God offers us, even in our most vulnerable moments.

He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
Psalm 91:4

Imagine a fortress – impenetrable, unyielding. Now picture a mother bird, wings spread wide, sheltering her chicks. Psalm 91:4 remarkably combines these images to describe God’s protection over us.

“He will cover you with his feathers,” speaks of intimate, tender care. It’s personal, warm, and comforting. Yet in the same breath, we’re told His faithfulness is our “shield and rampart” – mighty defenses against life’s fiercest battles.

This isn’t just poetic language. It’s a promise that addresses our deepest needs. When we’re vulnerable, God’s feathers cover us. When we’re under attack – be it from doubt, fear, or external threats – His faithfulness stands firm as our shield.

Think about what you’re facing today. Feeling fragile? Nestle under His wings. Fighting a battle? Stand behind His shield. God is offering you both tender comfort and unshakeable strength.

This is the nature of our God – gentle enough to hold us close, mighty enough to defend us against any foe. In His presence, we find not just safety, but home. Not just protection, but profound peace.

Today, rest in this truth. The God of the universe is your shelter and your strength. In every moment, in every challenge, you are seen, known, and fiercely protected by a love that will never let you go.

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for being my shelter and my strength. Your love is so tender, like a mother bird covering her chicks, yet so strong, like a mighty fortress. I’m grateful that You protect me in such a personal and powerful way. Forgive me for the times I’ve tried to face my battles alone. Help me to trust in Your care and to nestle under Your wings. Fill me with Your peace and remind me that in Your arms, I am safe, loved, and never alone. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

The safest place in all the world is in the will of God.

Walk daily with God at your side!

Love always,

Ed 🙏🏼

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