
Be Joyful

18 Jun

Be Joyful…

The word simchah is Hebrew for joy. Scripture says, “Rejoice in the Lord always”, “the joy of the Lord is your strength”, “rejoice and be exceedingly glad”, “rejoice and shout for joy!” God didn’t have to command us to be joyful.

He could have commanded us to be miserable and we’d have to, because He’s the lawgiver. But the amazing thing is, He doesn’t say be miserable, He says be joyful. “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice!”

Too many believers act like He said be miserable, gloomy, defeated, sad, and worried. The good news is He never said that, and therefore you don’t have to. If He did say it, it would still be enough that He gave His life for you.

But not only did He give His life to save you, He commands you on top of that to rejoice and be exceedingly glad! So, who are you to disobey God? Start obeying Him today. Rejoice in the Lord, because He loves you, He died for you, and you have eternal life – and because in God, “joy” is a command.

For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love, serve one another. Galatians 5:13

Obey God today and start rejoicing in your salvation!

Walk daily with God at your side!

Love always,

Ed 🙏🏼

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